Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Standard Organizations

Standard Organizations

Standards are developed mainly by 3 entities:

   Standard Creation Committees
   Regulatory Agencies
   Standard Creation Committees

They are Procedural Bodies and they are so slow moving and cannot co-op with the fast
growing communication industry.


   International Standard's Organization
   Voluntary Organization
   Created in 1947
   Members are from Standard Creation Committees of different countries
   Includes representatives from 82 countries
   Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model


   By  1970s  a  lot  of  countries  were  defining  standards  but  there  was  no
International compatibility
   United Nations made as a part of their ITU
   Consultative   Committee   for   International   Telegraphy   and   Telephony
   IN 1993 , ITU-Telecomm Standards Sector
   Important ITU-T Standards
   V Series (V32, V33, V42, Define Data Transmission over phone lines
   X   Series(X.25,   400,   500):   Define   Transmission   over   Public   Digital
   ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network

   The American National Standard Institute (ANSI)

   Private-Non Profit Cooperation not affiliated  with US Government
   Members  include  professional  societies,  industrial  associations,  govt.  and
regulatory bodies
   Submits proposal to ITU-T and is a voting member for USA in ISO

   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

   Largest professional engineering society in the world
   Also   oversees   the   development   of   Telecommunication   and   Wireless International                               Standards
   Special  committee  for  LANS  out  of  which  emerged  Project  802  (802.3,802.4, 802.5)


Special  Interest  Groups  with  representatives  from  interested  corporations  they
facilitate  and  fasten  standardization  process  by  working  with  universities,  and
users to test, evaluate and standardize new technologies
Each Forum Concentrate on a specific technology and present their conclusions to
the standard bodies

   Frame Relay Forum
   ATM Forum
   Internet Society & IETF

   Regulatory Agencies
All  communication  technology  is  subject  to  regulation  and  laws  by  government
agencies. The purpose is to protect Public Interest by regulating Radio, Television
and Cable Communications.
Before we go into the details of how data are transmitted from one device to the other, it
is important to understand:

o    The relationship between communication devices.
o    How the devices connect with each other in a System?
o    How do they do the exchange of information?

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