Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

ƒ     Categories of UTP Cable
EIA has developed standards to grade UTP cables by quality.
Categories  are  determined  by  cable  quality,  with  1  as  the  lowest  and  5  as  the
Each EIA category is suitable for certain uses and not for others

     Category 1
-Basic Twisted pair cabling used in Telephone system
-Fine for voice but inadequate for all but low-speed data communication

     Category 2
-The next higher grade, suitable for voice and for data transmission of up
to 4Mbps
Category 3
-Required to have at least 3 twists per foot
-Can be used for for data tx ofup to 10Mbps
-Now the standard cable for most telephone lines
Category 4
-Must have at least 3 twists per foot
-Possible tx rate of 16 Mbps
Category 5
-Used for data transmission of up to 100 Mbps

ƒ     UTP Connectors
o    UTP is mostly connected to the networked devices via a type of snap-in plug like that
used with telephone jacks
o    Connectors are either male (plug) or female (the receptacle)
o    Male  connectors  snap  into  female  connectors  and  have  a  repressible  tab  (key)  that
locks them in place

o    Each wire in the cable is attached to one conductor (or pin) in the connector
o    The most frequently used of these plugs is an RJ 45 connector with 8 conductors, one
for each wire of 4 twisted pairs

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