Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Multiplexing Categories

   Categories of Multiplexing

o    An analog technique that can be applied when BW of the link is greater than the
combined BW of the signals to be TX
o    Signals generated by each sending device modulate difference carrier frequencies
o    These  modulated  signals  are  then  combined  into  a  single  Composite  signal  that
can be transported by the link
o    Carrier frequencies are separated by enough BW to accommodate the modulated
o    These BW ranges are the channels through which the various signals travel

FDM (Guard Bands)
GUARD BANDS: Channels must be separated by strips of unused BW   (guard
bands) to prevent signals from Overlapping
o    In fig. the TX path is divided into 3 parts, each representing a channel to carry one
o    As  an  analogy,  imagine  a  point  where  3  narrow  streets  merge  to  form  a  3-lane
o    Each of these streets correspond to a lane of the highway

o    Each car merging on to the highway from one of these streets still has its own lane
and can travel w/o interfering with cars from other lanes

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