Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Modem Standards Cont

   Traditional Modems
o    Traditional modems are limited to a data rate of 33.6 Kbps as determined by
Shannon's formula Data rate Signal-to-noise ratio
o    New modems with bit rated of 56 Kbps are wide spread now

o    TX of data from A to B
o    Digital data is modulated by the modem at site A
o    Analog  data  is  sent  from  the  modem  to  to  the  switching  station  at  site  A  using  the local loop
o    At the switching station, analog data is converted digital using PCM
o    Digital data travels through the digital network of telephone company and arrives at
the switching station of site B
o    At the switching station , digital data is converted to analog using inverse PCM
o    Analog data is sent from switching station at site B to the modem using the local loop
o    Analog data is demodulated by modem at site B
o    The  limiting  factor  is  step  3.  Here  the  analog  signal  is  quantized  to  create  digital
signal. The quantization noise resulting from this process limits the data rate to 33.6
o    The  TX  of  data  from  site  B  to  site  A  follows  the  same  steps  and  again  the  limiting
factor is quantization.

The maximum data rate in each direction is limited to 33.6 Kbps

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