Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Other Interface Standards

o    BW required for ASK is equal to the baud rate of the signal
o    Assuming  that  entire  link  is  being  used  by  one  signal,  as  in  Simplex  or
Half Duplex, the maximum baud rate for ASK modulation is equal to the
entire BW of the transmission medium

o    Because  the  effective  BW  of  a  telephone  line  IS  2400  Hz,  the  maximum
baud rate is also 2400
o    Baud rate and bit rate are equal for ASK, so maximum bit rate is also 2400
Modem Speed-ASK (Full Duplex)

o    For  full  duplex  TX,  only  half  of  the  total  bandwidth  cab  be  used  in  either
o    Therefore the maximum speed for ASK in full duplex mode is 1200 bps
o    Noise problem makes it impractical for use in Modems
¾   Modem Speed-FSK
o    BW required for FSK is equal to the baud rate of the signal plus the frequency
o    So maximum baud rate becomes equal to the BW transmission medium minus
the frequency shift

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