Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Types of Redundancy Checks

     Types of Redundancy Checks
o    There are 4 types of redundancy checks used in data communication:
-Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC)
-Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)
-Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
o    First 3 are normally implemented in the physical layer for use in data link
o    Fourth is used by Upper layers

   Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC)
o    Most common and least expensive
o    Also called Parity Check
o    A  redundant  bit  called  parity  bit  is  appended  to  every  data  unit  so  that  total
number of 1's in the unit becomes even including the parity bit

ŠWe want to TX the binary data unit 1100001
ŠAdding together the number of 1's gives us 3, an odd number
o    Before TX, we pass the data unit through a parity generator, which counts the 1's
and appends the parity bit (1) to the end
o    The total number of 1's is now 4, an even number
o    The system now transfers the entire expanded across the network link

o    When  it  reaches  its  destination,  the  RX  puts  all  8  bits  through  an  even  parity
checking function
o    If  the  RX  sees  11100001,  it  counts  four  ones,  an  even  number  and  the  data  unit
o    But what if the data unit has been damaged in transit?
o    What if instead of 11100001, receiver sees 11100101?
o    Then when the parity checker counts the 1's, it gets 5 an odd number
o    The receiver knows that an error has occurred somewhere and therefore rejects the
whole unit
o    Some systems may also use ODD parity checking
o    The principal is the same as even parity

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