Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Types of Conversions Cont

   Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

o    In PSK, phase of carrier is varied to represent binary 1 or 0
o    Both peak amplitude and frequency remains constant as the phase changes
o    For Example: if we start with a phase of 0 degrees to represent binary 0 , then
we can change the phase to 180 degrees to send binary 1
o    The phase of signal during duration is constant and its value depends upon the
bit (0 or

   The above method is often called 2 PSK, or Binary PSK, because two
different phases ( 0 and 180 degrees) are used
   Figure  makes  this  point  clear  by  showing  the  relationship  of  phase  to
bit value
   A second diagram called constellation diagram or phase state diagram
shows same relationship by illustrating only the phases
ƒ     Effect of Noise on PSK
o    PSK  is  not  susceptible  to  the  noise  degradation  that  affects  ASK,  nor  to  the
bandwidth limitations of FSK
o    Smaller variations in signal can be detected reliably by the receiver

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