Tuesday, September 16, 2014

DTE-DCE Interface Cont

Functioning Example
o    Step1:  Preparation  of  interfaces  for  TX.  The  two  grounding circuits,1(shield)   and  7
(ground) are active b/w the two devices
o    Step 2 ensures that all four devices are ready for TX. First the sending DTE activates
pin 20 and sends a Dte ready message to its DCE . DCE answers by activating pin6 .
Same sequence is performed by remote computer
o    Step3: sets up the physical connection b/w the sending and the receiving modems.
o     First the DTE activates pin 4 and sends its DCE a request to send message. The DCE
transmits a carrier signal to the idle receiving modem
o    When  receiving  modem  detects  the  carrier  signal,  it  activates  pin  8,  telling  its
computer that a TX is about  to begin .
o     After  tx  the  carrier  signal,  sending  DCE  activates  pin  5  sending  its  DTE  a  clear  to
send message. The remote computer  and modem do the same step
o    Step4: Data transfer procedure
o    Initiating computer transfers its data stream to its modem over circuit 2accompanied
by the timing pulse of circuit 24.
o    Modem converts digital data to an analog signal and sends it over the network
o    Responding  modem  retreives  the  signal,  converts  it  back  to  digital  and  passes  it  to
DTE via circuit 3 and timing pulse of 17
o    Step5:  Once  both  computers  have  completed  their  transmission,    both  computers
deactivate  their  request-to-send  circuits  ,  modems  turn  off  their  carrier  signals,  their
received line signal detectors and their clear to send circuits

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