Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Error Detection And Correction Methods-Cont

First a string of n 0's is appended to the data unit
The number 'n' is one less than the number of bits in the predetermined divisor, which
is n+1 bits
Secondly,  newly  elongated  data  unit  is  divided  by  the  divisor  using   a  process  called
binary division. The remainder resulting from this division is the CRC

Third,the CRC of 'n' bits replaces the appended 0's at the end of the data unit
Note that CRC may consist of all zeros
The data unit arrives at the receiver followed by the CRC

The receiver treats the whole string as a unit and divides it by the same divisor that was
used to find the CRC remainder
If string arrives without an error, the CRC checker yields a remainder of zero and data
unit passes
If the string has been changed in transit, the division yields a non-zero remainder and
the data unit does not pass
The CRC Generator
Uses Modulo-2 Division

The CRC Checker
ŠFunctions exactly like CRC Generator

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