Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Other Interface Standards

o    Eliminates most of control pins of EIA standards
-Control signals are encoded to control characters
-Send control characters within the data line
-More control information for digital telephony

o    For digital communication between devices over a network, rather than
just between DTE and DCE
o    DB-15, Work with balanced circuits at 64Kbps

o    Most familiar type of a DCE
o    We require modem to connect to the internet
o    MODEM is a composite word for modulator and Demodulator
o    Modulator converts a digital signal into an analog signal using ASK, FSK,
o    A demodulator converts an analog signal into a digital signal
o    While  a  demodulator  resembles  an  analog-to-digital  converter,  it  is  not
infact a converter of any kind
o    It does not sample the signal to create a digital signal
o    It just reverses the process of modulation that is it performs demodulation

o    Shows the relationship of a modulator with a demodulator
o    Two PCs at the end are DTEs, and the modems are the DCEs

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