Wednesday, September 17, 2014

™ Multiplexing Application-Cont

   FTTC in Cable TV Network
o    Cable TV uses optical fibers to connect and multiplex different cable channels
o    Coaxial cables coming from individual premises are multiplexed in the
junction box and converted to the optical signals
o    Optical signals are multiplexed using WDM at switching office to create wider
BW optical signals

o    Networks  must  be  able  to  transfer  data  from  one  device  to  another  with  complete
o    A system that cannot guarantee that the data  received by one device is identical to the
data transmitted by another device is essentially useless
o    Anytime the data is TX from source to destination, it gets corrupted on the way
o    Many factors including NOISE can alter or wipe out one or more bits of a given data
o    Reliable systems must have a mechanism for detecting and correcting such ERRORS
o    Error  detection  and  Correction  is  implemented  either  at  the  data  link  layer  or  at  the
Transport layer

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