Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

Transmission Impairments

Transmission media are not perfect
What is sent is not what is received

o    Attenuation means loss of energy
o    Some of electrical energy is converted to heat

   Decibel (dB)
Relative strengths of two signals or a signal at two points
dB = 10 log  10 (P  2/P  1)
P  2 and P  1 are signal powers

Negative dB means attenuation
Positive dB means amplification

Example 7.1
Imagine a signal travels through a transmission medium and its power is reduced to half.
This means P  2=(1/2)P  1. Calculate Attenuation?

-10log  10(P  2/ P  1)= 10log  10(0.5 P  1/ P  1)
=10(-0.3)= -3 dB
o    Distortion means that the signal changes its form or shape
o    Distortion occurs in a composite signal

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