Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Multiplexing Categories-Cont

o    Figure shows a Time domain fdm
o    FDM is an analog process and we show it here in using Telephones as I/p & o/p
o    Each telephone generates a signal of similar frequency range
o    Inside  the  MUX,  these  similar  signals  are  modulated  on  to  different  carrier
o    The resulting modulated signals are then combined into a single composite signal
that is sent over a media link that has enough BW to accommodate it
o    Fig is freq domain representation of FDM process
o    In FDM, signals are modulated onto separate carrier frequencies (f1,f2,f3) using either
FM or AM
o    Modulating one signal into the other results in a BW of at least twice the original
o    In  fig,  the  BW  of  resulting  composite  signal  is  more  than  3  times  the  BW  of  each
input signal
o    Plus extra BW to allow for necessary GUARD BANDS

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