Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Transmission Media

Electromagnetic Energy
o    Signals  are  transmitted  from  one  device  to  another  in  the  form  of  electromagnetic
o    Electromagnetic signals can travel through Vacuum, Air or other transmission media
o    Electromagnetic energy, a combination of electrical and mechanical fields vibrating in
relation to each other includes power, voice, video, radio waves, infrared light, visible
light and ultra violet light
o    Each of the above constitute a portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum:

ƒ     Not all the portions of the spectrum are currently usable for Telecommunications
ƒ     Voice-band  frequencies  are  generally  tx  as  current  over  metal  cables,  such  a
twisted pair or coaxial cable

o    Radio frequencies can travel through air or space but require specific transmitting and
receiving mechanisms
o    Visible    light,    the    third    type    of    Electromagnetic    energy    currently    used    for
communications is harnessed using fiber optic cable
   Classes of Transmission Media

o    Two classes of Transmission Media:
-Guided Media
-Unguided Media
   Guided Media
Guided Media, are those media that provide a conduit from one device to

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