Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

Transmission Impairments

TX Media are not perfect
Imperfections cause impairments in the signal through the medium
This means that the signal at the beginning and the end of the medium are
not the same
What is sent is not what is received

o    Loss of Energy
o    When  a  signal  travels  through  a  medium,  it  looses  some  of  its  energy  in
order to overcome the resistance of the medium
o    That is why wire carrying electric signals get hot
o    Some of the electrical energy in the signal is converted to heat
o    To  compensate  for  this  loss  Amplifiers  are  used  to  amplify  the  signal  to

   Decibel (dB)
ƒ     Measures  the  relative  strength  of  the  two  signals  or  a  signal  at  2
different points
ƒ     dB is negative if a signal is attenuated
ƒ     dB is positive if a signal is Amplified

Relative strengths of two signals or a signal at two points
dB = 10 log  10 (P  2/P  1)
P  2 and P  1 are signal powers

Negative dB means attenuation
Positive dB means amplification

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