Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Types of Conversions Cont

ƒ     Effect Of Noise on ASK

o    ASK is highly susceptible to noise interference
o    NOISE: Unintentional voltages introduced onto a line by various sources such
as Heat or Electromagnetic Radiation from other sources
o    These unintentional voltages combine with signal to change the amplitude
o    A 1 can be changed to 0 and a 0 to a 1
o    ASK relies solely on Amplitude for recognition
o    Noise usually affects the amplitude, therefore ASK is the modulating method,
that is most affected by Noise

¾   On-Off Keying (OOK)
o    A popular ASK Technique
o    In OOK, one of the bit values is represented by no voltage
o    The advantage is the reduction in the amount of energy required to
transmit Information

¾   Bandwidth for ASK
o    Bandwidth  of  a  signal  is  total  range  of  frequencies  occupied  by  that
o    When we decompose an ASK modulated signal, we get a spectrum of
many simple frequencies
o    The most significant ones are those b/w,  fc-Nbaud/2  and fc+Nbaud /2
with carrier frequency fc at the middle

o    BW=(1+d) * Nbaud
o    BW = Bandwidth
o    Nbaud= Baud Rate
o    d= factor related to condition of line (min.value = 0)
Example 5.8

Find minimum bandwidth required for an ASK signal TX at 2000 bps. TX. Mode is half
-In ASK, Baud Rate= Bit Rate
-Therefore, Baud Rate = 2000
-Also ASK requires a minimum bandwidth equal to its Baud Rate

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