Friday, September 19, 2014

Bit-Oriented Protocols-Cont

Asynchronous Response Mode (ARM)

o    A  secondary  may  initiate  a  TX  w/o  permission  from  the  primary  whenever  the
channel is idle
o    ARM does not alter the primary secondary relationship in any other way
o    All  transmissions  from  the  primary  still  go  to  the  secondary  and  are  then  relayed  to
the other devices

Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM)
o    All  stations  are  equal  and  therefore  only  combined  stations  connected  in  point-to-
point are used
o    Either   combined   station   may   initiate   TX   with   the   other   combined   station   w/o
HDLC Frames
HDLC defines 3 types of Frames:
-    Information Frames (I-Frames)
-    Supervisory Frames (S-Frames)
-    Unnumbered Frames(U-Frames)

I-Frames are used to transport user data and control information relating to user data
S-Frames are used only to transport control information
U-Frame are reserved for System Management
Each frame in HDLC may contain up to six fields
-A beginning Flag Field
-An address field
-A control field
-An information Field
-A frame check sequence (FCS)
-An ending Flag Field

The  flag  field  of  an  HDLC  frame  is  an  8-bit  sequence  with  a  bit  patter  01111110  that
identifies both the beginning and the ending of the of a frame
It serves as a Synchronization pattern for the receiver
Fig. shows placement of 2 flag fields in an I-Frame

HDLC Address Field

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