Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Types of Conversions Cont

Digital to Analog Conversation

o    Process of changing one of the characteristics of an analog signal based on the info in
a digital signal
o    When you Tx data from one computer to the other using a public telephone line
o    Original data is digital but because telephone wires carry analog signal, original data
must be converted
o    Digital data must be modulated on an analog signal that has been manipulated to look
like two distinct values corresponding to binary 1 to binary 0
o    Figure  shows  the  relationship  b/w  digital  info  the  digital  to  analog  conversion
hardware & resultant analog signal
   Variation in Characteristics of Sine Wave

o    A sine wave is defined by 3 characteristics:


o    By  changing  one  aspect  of  a  simple  electrical  signal  back  &
forth,we can use it to represent digital data
o    When we vary any one of these characteristics ,we create a second version of
that wave
o    If  we  than  say  that  the  original  wave  represents  binary  1,the  variation  can
represent binary 0 or vice versa
o    So  by  changing  one  aspect  of  a  simple  electrical  signal  back  &  forth,we  can
use it to represent digital data

   Mechanisms for Modulating Digital Data to Analog Signals

o    Any of the three characteristics listed above can be altered in this way, giving
us at least 3 mechanisms for modulating digital data into analog signals

   Amplitude shift keying(ASK)
   Frequency shift keying(FSK)
   Phase shift keying (PSK)
     Fourth Mechanism
o    In  addition,  there  is  a  fourth  and  better  mechanism  that  combines
changes  in  both  amplitude  and  phase  called  Quadratue  Amplitude
o    QAM is the most efficient of these options and is the mechanism used
in all modern modems

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