Thursday, September 18, 2014

Error Detection And Correction Methods-Cont

Refers primarily to error detection and correction

Error control in data link layer is implemented simply:
-Anytime     an     error     is     detected     in     an     exchange,     a     negative
acknowledgement   (NAK)   is   returned   and   the   specified   frames   are

Stop and Wait ARQ

o    It    is    a    form    of    stop-and-wait    flow    control    extended    to    include
retransmission of data in case of Lost or Damaged frames
o    For retransmission to work, 4 features are added to the basic flow control
o    Sending device keeps a copy of the last frame transmitted until it receives
the ACK for that frame
o    Both data and ACK frames are numbered 0 and 1 alternately
o    A  data  0  frame  is  acknowledged  by  a  ACK  1  frame  indicating  that  the
receiver has received data 0 and is now expecting data 1
o    Sending device keeps a copy of the last frame transmitted until it receives
the ACK for that frame
o    Both data and ACK frames are numbered 0 and 1 alternately
-A  data  0  frame  is  acknowledged  by  a  ACK  1  frame  indicating  that  the
receiver has received data 0 and is now expecting data 1
ƒ     If an error is discovered in a data frame an NAK frame is returned
NAK frames which are not sent tell the sender to retransmit the last
ƒ     The sending device is equipped with Timer. If an expected ACK is
not received within an allotted time period, the sender assumes that
the last frame sent is lost and resends the frame

     Lost Frame
Any of the 3 frame types can be lost in transit:

   Lost Data Frame
   Lost ACK Frame
   Lost NAK Frame

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