Tuesday, September 16, 2014

DTE-DCE Interface Cont


standards have been developed to define the connection b/w the DTE and a
o    Though  the  solution  differ,  each  standard  provides  a  model  for  mechanical,
electrical and functional characteristics of the connection
o    Electronic Industries Organization (EIA) and ITU-T
   EIA 232 Interface
o    Standard developed by EIA
o    Defines  Mechanical,  Electrical  and  Functional  characteristics  of  the  interface
b/w DTE and a DCE
o    Originally issued in 1962 as the RS 232 standard
o    Revised several times, recent version EIA 232-D
o    Defines not only the type of connectors to be used but also the specific cable
and plugs and the functionality of each pin

   Mechanical Specifications
o    EIA  232  standard  defines  interface  as  a  25-wire  cable  with  a  male  and  a
female DB 25 pin connector attached to either end.
o    The length of the cable may not exceed 15 meters(50 feet)
o    A DB 25 connector is a plug with 25  pin or receptacles each of which is
attached to a single wire with a specific function
o    With this design, EIA has created the possibility of 25 separate interactions
b/w a DTE and a DCE
o    Fewer   are   actually   used   but   standard   allows   for   future   inclusion   of

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