Thursday, September 18, 2014

Error Detection And Correction Methods-Cont

o    For point-to-point configuration, there is no need for addressing
o    Any TX put onto the link by one device can be intended only for the other
o    For   the   primary   device   in   a   a   multipoint   topology   to   be   able   to   identify   and
communicate   with   a   specific   secondary   device,   there   must   be   some   addressing
o    For  this  reason,  every  device  on  the  link  has  an  address  that  can  be  used  for
o    In  any  transmission,  this  address  will  appear  in  a  specified  portion  of  each  frame,
called the Address Field or Header depending upon the protocol
o    If the TX comes from a secondary device, the address indicates the originator of the
o    The select mode is used whenever the primary device has something to send
o    Primary control the link and if primary is not sending or receiving data, it knows that
the link is available
o    If it has something to send, it sends it
o    As a frame makes its way to the intended device, each of the other devices check the
address field
o    Only when the device recognizes its own address, does it open the frame and read the
o    In case of a SEL frame, the enclosed data consists of an alert that data is forthcoming
o    What it does not know, however is if the target device it ready to receive (ON)
o    So  the  primary  must  alert  the  secondary  to  the  upcoming  TX  and  wait  for  an
acknowledgement of the secondary ready status
o    Primary send a SEL frame, one field of which includes the address of the intended RX
o    If the secondary is awake and running, it returns an ACK frame to the primary
o    The  primary  then  sends  one  or  more  data  frames  ,  each  addressed  to  the  intended

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