Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

   Performance of Medium
Three concepts are used to measure the performance of TX Media:
-Propagation Speed
-Propagation Time
o    Measurement of how fast data can pass through a point

o    In other words, if we consider any point in the TX Medium as a wall through
which bits pass, then throughput is the number of bits that can pass this wall in second
   Propagation Speed
o    Propagation speed measures the distance a signal or a bit can travel through a
medium in one second
o    The   propagation   speed   of   EM   signals   depend   on   the   medium   and   the
frequency of the signal

   Propagation Time
o    Measures the time required for a signal (or a bit) to travel from one point of
the TX medium to another
o    The propagation time is calculated as:

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