Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

   Very High Frequency (VHF) (Figure)
o    Most VHF waves use line-of-sight propagation
o    Used for VHF Television, FM Radio, Aircraft AM Radio

   Ultra High Frequency (UHF) (Figure)
o    Always use line-of-sight propagation
o    Used for UHF Television, Mobile Telephone, Cellular Radio, Paging,
Microwave Links
o    Note that microwave communication begins at 1GHz in UHF and
continues into SHF and EHF band

   Super High Frequency (SHF) (Figure)
o    SHF waves are TX using mostly line-of-sight and some Space propagation
o    Used for Terrestrial and Satellite Microwave and Radar Communication

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