Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

ƒ     Geosynchronous Satellite
o    Line of sight propagation requires the sending and receiving antennas must
be locked into each other
o    To ensure continuous communication, satellites must move with the same
speed as earth. So that they seem fixes w.r.t earth
o    These satellites are called Geosynchronous Satellites

Figure shows 3 satellites in geosynchronous orbit each 120 degree
from one another so that whole earth can be covered

ƒ     Satellite Frequency Bands
Each satellite sends and receives over two bands

-Uplink: From the earth to the satellite
-Downlink: From the satellite to the earth
Cellular Telephony
o    Each service area is divided into small ranges called cells
o    Each cell office is controlled by a switching office called MTSO

Operations of Cellular Telephony

-Mobile phone sends the number to the closest cell office
-Cell office Æ MTSO Æ Telephone office
-MTSO assigns an unused voice channel

-Telephone office sends the signal to MTSO
-MTSO sends queries to each cell (paging)
-If mobile phone is found and available, assigns a channel

-MTSO monitors the signal level every few seconds
-If the strength diminishes, MTSO seeks a new cell and changes the channel
carrying the call

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