Wednesday, September 17, 2014

™ Multiplexing Application-Cont

Switched Analog Services

With switched lines, caller dials a number and call is conveyed to a
series of switches at the exchange
The switch connects two lines for the duration of the call

Analog Leased Service

Offers customers the opportunity to lease a line, sometimes called a
Dedicated Line
Dedicated line is permanently connected to the other customer
Although the connection still passes through switches in the
exchange, the customer experiences it as a single line because
switch is always closed
No dialing is needed
Conditioned Lines

o    Another service offered by the carriers
o    Conditioning means improving the quality of a line by lessening attenuation, signal
distortion or delay distortion
o    Conditional lines are Analog but their quality makes them suitable for digital data
communication when connected to Modems

Analog Hierarchy
o    To maximize efficiency, telephone companies multiplex signal from lower BW lines
onto higher BW lines
o    In this way many switched or leased lines can be combined into fewer but bigger
o    FDM is used for analog lines

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