Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

Propagation Modes 

o    Fiber Technology supports two modes for the propagation of light
   Single Mode
Each    of    these    modes    require    fiber    with    different    physical
o    There are two further sub categories of Multimode Fiber:
   Multimode Step-Index Fiber
   Multimode Graded-Index Fiber
   Multimode Fiber
o    Multiple beams from a light source move through the core in different paths

o    Two types of the Multimode fiber:
   Multimode Step Index Fiber
   Multimode Graded Index Fiber
   Multimode Step-Index Fiber
o    Density of the CORE remains constant from the center to the edges
o    A  beam  of  light  moves  through  this  constant  density  in  a  straight  line  until  it
reaches the interface of the core and the cladding
o    At the interface, there is an abrupt change to lower density, that alters the angle of
the beam's motion
o    Step IndexÆ Suddenness of this change
o    Some beams travel straight and reach the destination without reflecting
o    Some  strike  the  interface  of  core  and  cladding  at  an  angle  smaller  than  critical
angle and penetrate cladding and are lost
o    Others  hit  edge  of  the  core  at  angles  greater  than  critical  angle  and bounce  back
and forth to the destination

     Disadvantage of Multimode Step-Index Fiber
o    Each beams angle is equal to its angle of reflection
o    If I is small, R is small and the beam will require more bounces and it will
take more time to reach the destination
o    If I is large, R is large and beam will reach destination quickly
o    In  other  words  there  is  a  difference  is  Path  Lengths  that  results  into  a
distortion at the receiver
o    This  distortion  limits  the  data  rate  and  make  Multimode  Step  index  fiber
inadequate for precise applications

¾   Multimode Graded-Index Fiber
o    The solution to the above problem is Multimode Graded Index Fiber
o    A grade index fiber is the one with varying densities
o    Density  is  highest  at  the  center  of  the  core  and  decreases  gradually  to  its
lowest at the edge
o    The signal is introduced at the center of the core
o    The horiz beams move straight to the receiver
o    Beams   at   other   angles   moves   through   the   series   of   constantly   changing
o    Each density difference causes each beam to refract into a curve
o    Signal  can  be  reconstructed  with  far  greater  precision  as  all  the  beams  reach
the receiver at almost the same time

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