Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

   Extremely High Frequency (EHF) (Figure)
o    Use space propagation
o    Used for Radar , Satellite and Experimental Communication
Terrestrial Microwave
o    Microwaves do not follow the curvature of earth and therefore require line-of-sight
TX and RX equipment
o    Distance covered by line-of-sight signal depends to a large extent on the height of the
o    Height allows the signal to travel farther by crossing a lot of obstacles like low hills
and buildings
o    Microwave signals propagate in one direction at a time, which means that two
frequencies are necessary for 2-way communication such as telephone conversation
o    One frequency is reserved for MICROWAVE communication in one direction and the
other for TX in the other direction
o    Each frequency requires its own transmitter & receiver combined in a Transceiver

o    To increase distance for terrestrial microwave, a system of repeaters can be
installed with each antenna
o    A signal received by one antenna can be converted back to the transmittable
form and relayed to the next antenna
o    The distance required b/w repeaters varies with frequencies of the signal and
the environment in which the antennas are found
o    A repeater may broadcast the regenerated signal either at original frequency or
a new frequency depending on system
o    Used in Telephone systems worldwide

Two types of Antennas are used for Microwave communication:
-Parabolic Dish

ƒ     Parabolic Dish

o    Based on the geometry of a Parabola
o    Every line parallel to the line of symmetry (line of sight) reflects off
the curve at an angle such that they intersect in a common point called
o    Parabolic dish works like a funnel catching a wide range of waves and
directing them to a common point
o    In his way most of the signal is recovered  than would be possible with
a single-point receiver

ƒ     HORN
o    Outgoing transmissions are broadcast through a horn aimed at the dish.
The microwaves hit the dish and and are deflected outward in a
reversal of the receipt path
o    A horn antenna looks like a gigantic scoop
o    Outward TXs are directed upward a stem and are deflected outward in
a series of narrow parallel beams

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