Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

Propagation of Specific Signals
o    The type of propagation used in radio transmission depends upon the frequency of the
o    Each frequency is suited for a specific layer of atmosphere and is most efficiently
transmitted and received by technologies adapted to that layer

   Very Low Frequency (VLF) (Figure)
o    VLF waves are propagated as surface waves through air
o    Do not suffer much attenuation in TX but are susceptible to high levels
of atmospheric noise I.e. electricity and heat
o    Used for Long-range radio navigation and Submarine Communication

   Low Frequency (LF) (Figure)
o    Also propagated as surface waves
o    Used for Long-range radio and for navigational locators
o    Attenuation is greater in the day time when absorption of waves by
natural obstacles increases

   Middle Frequency (MF)
o    Propagated in the Troposhere
o    These frequencies are absorbed by Ionosphere
o    The distance they cover is limited by the angle needed to get the signal
reflect from the troposhere and not enter ionosphere
o    Absorption increases during the day time
o    Used for AM Radio

   High Frequency (HF) (Figure)
o    Use ionospheric propagation
o    These frequencies move into the ionosphere where the density difference
reflects them back on earth
o    Used for Citizen's Band Radio, International Broadcasting, Military
Communication, Telephone, Telegraph and Fax

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