Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Types of Conversions Cont

 Q: How do we relay encoded data form the generating device to then next device?
A: Interface
-Defined by several popular standards
-Physical layer of the OSI model
-Mechanical/electrical/functional specifications

   Digital Data Transmission
Do  we  send  one  bit  at  a  time  or  do  we  group  bits  into  larger  groups  and  if  so,

     Parallel Transmission
o    Binary data consisting of 1s and 0s may be organized into groups of 'n' bits each
o    By grouping we can send data 'n' bits at a time instead of one bit

     Serial Transmission
o    One  bit  follows  another,  so  we  need  only  one  channel  rather  than  'n'  to
transmit data between two devices
o    Conversion devices are required at the interface

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