Wednesday, September 17, 2014

™ Multiplexing Application-Cont

   Digital Services
o    Digital services are largely offered nowadays
o    Digital services are less sensitive than analog ones
o    Telephone line acts as an antenna and pick up noise both in case of analog and digital
o    In analog, both noise and signal are analog
o    In digital, signal can easily be separated
Switched / 56 Service
It is digital version of Analog switched line
Allows data rates of up to 56 Kbps
Both parties must subscribe to the service
A caller with normal telephone service cannot connect to a telephone or
computer with this service even with a Modem
Because this service is already digital, subscribers do not need modems
They need DSU (Digital service unit)
DSU changes the rate of digital data created by the subscriber's device to
56 Kbps and encodes it in the format used by service provider

DSU is often included in dialing process
DSU is more expensive than Modem
So why would a subscriber pay for switched/56 service and DSU?
Because digital line has better speed, better quality and less susceptibility
to noise
Bandwidth on Demand

Digital Data Service (DDS)
Digital version of analog leased line
Max. data rate of 64 Kbps
Like switched/56, DDS requires a DSU
DSU for this service is cheaper than switched /56 DSU because it does not
need a dial pad

Digital Signal (DS) Service
Telephone companies saw the need to develop a hierarchy of digital
services much like those used for Analog services
The next step was DS service
DS is a hierarchy of digital signals

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