Wednesday, September 17, 2014

™ Multiplexing Application-Cont

   Common carrier Services & Hierarchies

o    Telephone companies began by providing their subscribers with ANALOG services
using ANALOG networks
o    Later digital services were introduced
o    Nowadays carriers are even thinking about changing their service lines digital too
o    Soon the entire n/w will be digital
o    For now both types of services are available and both FDM and TDM are in use

   Analog Services
o    Of the many analog services available to telephone subscribers, two are really
-Switched Analog Services
-Leased Analog Services
o    Familiar dial up service most often encountered when using a home telephone
o    Uses twisted pair cable to connect subscriber's phone to the network via exchange
o    This connection is called LOCAL LOOP
o    The n/w it joins is called PSTN
o    Signal on a local loop is Analog and BW is usually b/w 0 and 4000 Hz

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