Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Transmission Media -Cont

o    Another characteristic of a signal traveling through the TX Medium
o    This  concept  binds  the  frequency  of  the  signal  to  the  propagation  speed  of
o    It  is  customary  to  talk  about  wavelength  when  talking  about  TX  of  light  in
Optical Fiber
o    The wavelength is the distance a simple signal can travel in one period
o    The wavelength depends on both the frequency and the medium

-Wavelength = Propagation speed * period
-Wavelength = Propagation speed / frequency

   Shannon Capacity
In  1944,  Claude  Shannon  introduced  a  formula  to  determine  the  theoretical
highest data rate for a channel:

C = B log 2 (1 + S/N) in bps
-B: bandwidth of the channel
-S/N: signal to noise ratio

Š    Extremely noisy channel

-    S/N » 0
-    C = B log2 (1+0) = 0
Š    Telephone line
-    Bandwidth is 3000 Hz, S/N ratio is 3162 (35 dB)
-    C = 3000 log2 (1+3162) = 34,860 bps
Media Comparison
When evaluating the suitability of a particular medium to a specific application, 5 factors
should be kept in mind:

ŠCOST: This is the cost of materials plus installation
ŠSPEED: Speed is the max no. of bits per second that a medium can transmit reliably
-Speed  varies  with  frequency,  with  physical  size  of  medium  and  Transmission
ŠATTENUATION: Tendency of EM signal to become weak or distorted over signal
ŠEM  Interference:  EMI  is  the  susceptibility  of  the  medium  to  external  EM  energy
introduced into the link that interferes with the intelligibility of a signal
-Familiar effects of EMI are static(audio) and snow (visual)
ŠSECURITY: How easy it is for an unauthorized device to listen on the link?
-Twisted pair is intercept able
-Optical Fiber is more secure

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