Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Other Interface Standards

o    DTE creates a digital signal and relays it to the Modem via an interface via an
o    Modulated  signal  is  received  by  the  demodulation  function  of  the  second
o    This  modem  takes  this  ASK,  FSK,  PSK  or  QAM  signal  and  decodes  it  into
whatever format its computer can accept
o    It then relays the digital signal to the computer via an interface
o    Each DCE must be compatible with both its own DTE and the other DCE

¾   Transmission Rate
o    Modems are often described as high speed or low speed to indicate how many
bits per second a specific device is capable of transmitting or receiving
o    Limitations on the transmission rate of the Modem
¾   Bandwidth
o    Data rate of a link depends upon the type of encoding uses and the bandwidth
of the medium
o    The  medium  bandwidth  is  related  to  the  inherent  limitation  of  the  physical
property of the medium
o    Every line has a range of frequencies it can pass
o    If the frequency of a signal is too ow, it cannot overcome the capacitance of
the line
o    If frequency is too high, it can be impeded by the inductance of the line
o    So every line has an upper limit and a lower limit on frequencies of the signals
o    This limited range is called Bandwidth
Telephone Line Bandwidth

o    Traditional telephone lines can carry fre's b/w 300 Hz and 3300 Hz giving them a
BW of 3000Hz
o    All of this range is used for transmitting voice where a great deal of interference
and distortion can be accepted w/o any loss of intelligibility
o    Data signal require a high degree of accuracy , so edges of this range are not used
for data comm
o    Effective BW of telephone line used for data transmission is 2400 Hz covering a
range from 600 Hz to 3000Hz
   Modem Speed
o    Each type of Analog conversion manipulates signal differently:
   ASK manipulated Amplitude
   FSK manipulates Frequency
   PSK manipulates Phase
   QAM manipulate both phase and amplitude
   Modem Speed-ASK

o    BW required for ASK is equal to the baud rate of the signal

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