Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Types of Conversions Cont

o    Based  on  the  above  two  facts,  instead  of  utilizing  only  two  variations  of  a
signal, each representing one bit, we can use four variations and let each phase
shift represent two bits
   BW for PSK
o    Minimum bandwidth required for PSK transmission is the same
as ASK
o    As we have seen max bit rate in PSK is much greater than that
of ASK
o    So  while  max  baud  rate  of  ASK  and  PSK  are  the  same  for  a
given BW, PSK bit rate using the same BW can be two or more
times greater
ƒ     QAM

Limitations of PSK:
-PSK  is  limited  by  the  ability  of  the  equipment  to  distinguish  small
differences in phase
-This factor limits its potential bit rate
-So  far  we  have  been  changing  only  of  the  characteristics  of  the  sine
wave, But what if we alter two
o    What should these two characteristics be?
o    BW limitations make combination of FSK with other changes practically useless
o    Why not combine ASK and PSK?
o    'x'  variation  in  phase  and  'y  variations  in  amplitude  result  into  a  total  of  x  *  y
variations and corresponding no. of bits per variation

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