Thursday, September 18, 2014

Categories of Data Link Protocols-Cont

BSC protocol divides a transmission into frames

o    If a frame is used strictly for control purposes, it is called a Control frame
o    Control  frames  are  used  to  exchange  information  b/w  communicating  devices  for
example,  to  establish  the  connection,  to  control  the  flow,  to  request  error  correction

o    If a frame contains part or all of the message itself, it is called a Data Frame

o    Data   frames   are   used   to   transmit   information,   but   may   also   contain   control
information applicable to that information

o    Figure shows the format of a simple data frame
o    Arrow shows the direct of TX
o    The frame begins with two or more synch. (SYN) characters
o    These characters alert the receiver to the arrival of a new frame and provide a bit
pattern used by the receiving device to synch itself with that of the sending device
o    After the two synch characters, comes a start of text (STX) character
o    This character signals to the receiver that the control information is ending and the
next byte will be data
o    Data or text can consist of varying number of characters
o    An end of text (ETX) indicates the end of text
o    Finally, the Block Check Count (BCC) are included for error correction
o    A BCC field can be a one-character LRC or a two -character CRC

Data Frame with Header
A frame as simple as above is seldom used
Usually  we  need  to  include  the  address  of  the  receiving  device,  the  address  of  the
sending device and the identity number of the frame (0 or 1) for stop-and-wait ARQ

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