Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Five Basic Concepts of Data Communication- Ist Line Confirguration

Five Basic Concepts of Data Communication

o    Line Configuration
o    Topology
o    Transmission Mode
o    Categories of networks
o    Internetworks


"Line Configuration refers to the way two or more devices attach to a Link"

A link is the physical communication path that transfers data from one device to the other.
Link can be thought of as a Line drawn between two points. For communication to occur,
two devices must be connected to each other using a link.

Line Configurations

Point-to-Point Line Configuration

Dedicated  Link  between  two  devices.  Entire  Capacity  of  the  channel  is  reserved
for TX B/w these two devices. Mostly point-to-point connection use wire/cable to
connect with each other. But Microwave, Satellite Links can also be used
Data  and  Control  information  pas  directly  between  entities  with  no  intervening

   TV Remote Control and TV Control Systems
   Mobile Phone (when talking) and Base Station (Antenna)
   Multipoint Line Configuration
More  than  two  devices  share  the  Link  that  is  the  capacity  of  the  channel  is  SHARED
now. With shared capacity, there can be two possibilities in a Multipoint Line Config:

Spatial Sharing: If several devices can share the link simultaneously,
its called Spatially shared line configuration
    Temporal  (Time)  Sharing:  If  users  must  take  turns  using  the  link  ,
then its called Temporally shared or Time Shared Line Configuration

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