Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Five Basic Concepts of Data Communication- 2nd Topology


The  Topology  is  the  geometric  representation  of  the  relationship  of  the  links  and  the
linking devices (Nodes) in a Network"
"Topology defines the physical or the Logical Agreement of Links in a Network"

Topology of a Network is suggestive of how a network is laid out. It refers to the specific
configuration and structure of the connections between the Links and the Nodes. Two or
more devices connect to a Link and two or more Links form a Topology
Question: What to consider when choosing a Topology????????
Answer: Relative status of the devices to be linked.

Two relationships are possible in a network

   PEER-TO-PEER: Devices share the link equally

   PRIMARY-SECONDARY:  One  device  controls  traffic  and  the  others  must
transmit through it

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