Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Categories of Data Communication Standards

Categories of Data Communication Standards

   De facto (By fact or By Convention)

Standards not approved by an organized body but have been adopted as standards
through their widespread use

   De jure (By Law or By Regulation)

Standards that have been legislated by an officially recognized regulation body

Subdivision of De Facto Standards

      PROPRIETARY (Closed Standards)

Standards that are originally invented by a    Commercial Organization
as  a  basis  for  the  operation  of  its  products  they  are  wholly  owned  by
that  company.  They  are  also  called  Closed  Standards  because  they
close off Communication between systems

    NON- PROPRIETARY (Open Standards)

They  are  originally  developed  by  groups  or  committees  that  have
passed them into public domains. They are also called Open Standards
because they open Communication between different systems

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