Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Transmission Media

Transmission Media

Medium                     Speed                        Cost

Twisted Wire            300bps-10Mbps        Low
Microwave                 256Kbps-100Mbps  Low
Coaxial Cable            56Kbps-200Mbps    Low
Fiber Optic Cable     500Kbps-10Gbps     High


A system of digital rules for data exchange within or between computers.                  

EXAMPLE:   Consider   the   communication   between   two
individuals. They can only communicate provided they both
speak the same language.

A little more complex Comm. System
Example Electronic Mail

In Terms of a little more complex Comm. System


Input device and transmitter are components of a Personal Computer
User of a PC wishes to send a message 'm'
User activates electronic mail package e.g. hotmail
Enters the message via input device (keyboard)
Character string is buffered in main memory as a sequence of bits 'g'
PC is connected to some trans system such as a Telephone Network via an I/O Transmitter                    like Modem
Transmitter converts incoming stream 'g' into a signal 's'


The  transmitted  signal  's'  is  subject  to  a  number  of  impairments depending upon the                       medium
Therefore, received signal 'r' may differ from 's'.
Receiver  attempts  to  estimate  original  's'  based  on  its  knowledge  of the medium and                      received signal 'r'
Receiver produces a bit stream g'(t)
Briefly buffered in the memory
Data  is  presented  to  the  user  via  an  output  device  like  printer,  screen etc.
The data viewed by user m' will usually be an exact copy of the data sent 'm'

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