Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Example -Telephone System

EXAMPLE-Telephone System

o    Input to the Telephone is a message 'm' in the form of sound waves
o    The  sound  waves  are  converted  by  telephone  into  electric  signals  of  the  same
o    These signals are transmitted w/o any modification over the telephone line
o    Hence g(t) and s(t) are identical
o    S(t) will suffer some distortion so that r(t) will not be the same as s(t)
o    R(t)   is   converted   back   to   sound   waves   with   no   attempt   of   correction   or
improvement of signal quality
o    Thus m' is not an exact replica of m

An Actual Digital Data Communication System Key Data
Communication Terminology

   Session: communication dialog between network users or applications
Different Types of this session for Info Exchange
   Network: interconnected group of computers and communication devices
We will look into it in a little bit
   Node: a network-attached device
Node can be any device in the network

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