Thursday, September 11, 2014


Need For Signals

o    One of the major concerns of Physical layer is moving information in the form
of electromagnetic signals across a TX medium
o    Information can be voice, image, numeric data, characters or any message that
is readable and has meaning to the destination user (human or m/c)
o    Generally, the info usable to a person or application is not in a form that can
be transmitted over a network
o    For  Example,  you  cannot  roll  up  a  photograph,  insert  it  into  the  wire  and
transmit it across the city
o    You can transmit however an encoded description of the photograph
o    The binary digits must be converted into a form that TX. Medium can accept
o    TX.  Media  work  by  conducting  energy  along  a  physical  path.  So  the  data
stream of 1s and 0s must be turned into energy in the form of EM signals

   Analog and Digital

o    Both data and signals that represent them can take either analog or digital form

Analog refers to something that is continuous in time
Continuous-  A  set  of  specific  points  of  data  and  all  possible  points  b/w
Digital refers to something that is discrete
Discrete- A set of specific points of data with no points in between
o    Data can be Analog or Digital

   Example of ANALOG Data is Human voice
   When somebody speaks, a continuous wave is created in the air.
   This  can  be  captured  by  a  Microphone  and  converted  to  an  Analog
   An  example  of  DIGITAL  data  is  Data  stored  in  the  memory  of  a
computer in the form of 1s and 0s. It is usually converted to a digital
signal  when  it  is  transferred  from  one  position  to  the  other  inside  or
outside the computer

o    Signals can be Analog or Digital

   ANALOG Signal
o    It is a continuous waveform that changes smoothly over time
o    As  the  wave  moves  from  value  '  A'  to  value  'B',  it  passes  through  and
includes an infinite number of values along its path

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