Thursday, September 11, 2014

Signals- Cont

   DIGITAL Signal

o    A  digital  signal  is  discrete.  It  can  have  only  a  limited  number  of  defined
values, often as simple as 1s and 0s
o    The  transition  of  a  digital  signal  from  value  to  value  is  instantaneous  like  a
light being switched ON and OFF

Analog and Digital Signals
o    We illustrate signals usually by plotting them on a pair of perpendicular axis
o    Vertical axis represent the value or the strength of the signal
o    Horizontal axes represent the passage of time
o    The  curve  representing  the  Analog  signal  is  smooth  and  continuous,  passing
through an infinite number
o    The vertical lines of the digital signal shows the sudden jump the signal makes
from value to value. The flat highs and the lows represent that those values are
o    In short, Analog signal varies continuously w.r.t Time whereas Digital signal
varies instantaneous
   Periodic Signals
o    A signal is called Periodic if it completes a pattern within a measurable time
frame  called  a  Period  and  then  repeats  that  pattern  over  identical  subsequent
o    The completion of one full pattern is called a CYCLE
o    Period: Time required (in Seconds) to complete one full cycle, represented by

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