Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Protocol Architecture

Protocol Architecture
Instead of having a single Module for performing communication, there is a structured set
of modules that implement communications function"
This structure is called Protocol Architecture
Let's explain it by an example of File transfer system.

Simplified File Transfer Architecture

the above example File transfer could use three modules

   File transfer application
   Communication service module
   Network access module

   File transfer application

File Transfer contains all of the logic is unique to the file transfer application such as:
   Transmitting passwords
   File Commands

   Checking File System on other machine if it is ready
   Check File System Compatibility
         File records

   Communication service module
Instead  of  allowing  File  Transfer  Module  to  deal  with  actual  transfer  of  data  and
commands, we can have a separate module for this transfer. This module must make
sure that the receiver system is ready to receive and look into the reliable exchange of

   Network access module

Nature of the exchange between systems is independent of the network that connects
them.  That  allows  us  to  have  a  3rd  module  that  handles  the  details  of  the  Network
interface and interacts with the network. If Network to be used changes, only Network
access Module has to change 

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