Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Introduction to Protocol

Introduction to Protocol
In computer Networks, communication occurs between two entities in different systems.

o    Entity means is anything sending and receiving information
o    SYSTEM is a tangible object that containing more than one entities two entities in different systems               cannot just sent data and expect to be understood. 

"Protocol is a set of rules governing communication"

o    Two  computers  cannot  just  send  bit  streams  to  each  other  and  expect  to  be
o    Entities must agree on a PROTOCOL

Protocol defines:

   What is Communicated?
   How it is Communicated?
   When it is Communicated?

KEY elements of a PROTOCOL

   This represents the Structure or the format of the Data
   and meaning the order in which data is presented


   Refer to the Meaning of each section of bits
   How is a particular pattern to be interpreted?
   What action should be taken based on interpretation?


Refers to 2 characteristics:
   When data should be sent?
   How fast it should be sent?

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