Thursday, September 11, 2014

Signals- Cont

A Sine wave has a frequency of 6 Hz. What is its period?
Problems 4.3

f = 1=1=0.17 sec
     f    6

Problems 4.5
A Sine wave completes one cycle in 4 seconds. What  is its frequency?

f=1 =1=0.25Hz
    t    4

Another Way to look at Frequency

o    Measurement of the rate of change
o    The rate at which a sine wave moves from its lowest to its highest point is its
o    A 40 Hz signal has half the frequency of a 80 Hz signal, therefore each cycle
takes  twice  as  long  to  complete  one  cycle    I.e.  to  go  from  its  lowest  to  its
o    Change in a short Time = High Frequency

Two Extremes Frequency

o    What if a signal does not change at all?
o    What if it maintains a constant voltage level the entire time?
9   In such cases , Frequency is going to be zero

o    If a signal does not change, it will never complete any cycles, and frequency is
no. of cycles in 1 second so Freq = 0
o    No change at all
-    Zero frequency
o    Instantaneous changes
-    Infinite frequency
o    Phase describes the position of the waveform relative to time zero
o    If  we  think  of  the  wave  as  something  that  can  be  shifted  backward  or  forward
along the time axis
o    Phase describes the amount of that shift
o    It indicates the status of the first cycle
o    Phase is measured in Degrees or Radians
o    360 degrees - 2 pi Radians
o    A phase shift of 360 degrees correspond to a shift of a complete period
o    A phase shift of 180 degree correspond to a shift of half a period
o    A phase shift of 90 degree correspond to a shift of quarter a period

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