Thursday, September 11, 2014

Types of Conversions Cont

o    Uses inversion at the middle of each bit interval for both synchronization and bit

ŠNegative-to-Positive Transition= 1
ŠPositive-to-Negative Transition = 0
ŠBy  using  a  single  transition  for  a  dual  purpose,  Manchester
acheives the same level of synchronization as RZ but with only two
levels of amplitude
   Differential Manchester

o    Inversion  at  the  middle  of  the  bit  interval  is  used  for  Synchronization  but
presence or absence of an additional transition at the beginning of bit interval
is used to identify a bit
o    A transition means binary 0 & no transition means binary 1
o    Requires  2  signal  changes  to  represent  binary  0  but  only  one  to  represent
binary 1

     Bipolar Encoding
o    Like RZ, it uses three voltage levels:
o    Unlike RZ, zero level is used to represent binary 0
o    Binary 1's are represented by alternate positive and negative voltages
Types of Bipolar Encoding

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