Monday, September 15, 2014

Types of Conversions Cont


Types of Digital-to-Digital Encoding

Example 5.1
Š    Using B8ZS, encode the bit stream 10000000000100. Assume that the polarity of
the first 1 is positive.

   Analog-to-Digital Conversion
o    We sometimes need to digitize an analog signal
o    To  send  human  voice  over  a  long  distance,  we  need  to  digitize  it,  since
digital signals are less prone to Noise
o    This  is  called  Analog-to-Digital  Conversion  or  Digitizing  an  Analog
o    This type of conversion requires a reduction of  potentially infinite number
of  values  in  the  analog  signal  so  that  it  can  be  converted  to  digital  bit
stream with minimum loss of information.

o    CODEC Æ Coder Decoder
o    Digital signal signals can take any of the forms discussed previously
o    Problem is how to convert analog signal from infinite number of values to
discrete no. of values without scarifying quality

   Pulse Amplitude Modulation

o    First step in Analog-to-Digital Conversion
o    This technique takes an Analog signal, Samples it, and Generates a series
series of Pulses based on the results of Sampling
o    Sampling means measuring amplitudes of signal at equal intervals

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