Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Five Basic Concepts of Data Communication- 2nd Topology Cont

Tree Topology
A tree topology connects multiple star networks to other star networks. Below is a visual example of a simple computer setup on a network using the star topology.

In the above example picture, if the main cable or trunk between each of the two star topology networks failed, those networks would be unable to communicate with each other. However, computers on the same star topology would still be able to communicate with each other.

o    A variation of Star Topology
o    Nodes  in  a  Tree  are  linked  to  a  central  hub  that  controls  the  traffic  to  and  from
o    Difference  b/w  star  and  tree  is  not  all  the  devices  plug  directly  into  the  central
o    Majority connects to secondary hub that is connected to central hub

   CENTRAL HUB in Tree Topology

   Central Hub in a Tree is an ACTIVE HUB
   ACTIVE HUB contains a repeater
   Repeater is a hardware device that regenerates the received bit pattern before
sending them out.
   Repeater strengthens TX. And increases the distance a signal can travel

   Secondary HUB in Tree Topology

   Secondary Hub in a Tree may be Active or  Passive HUB
   Passive Hub simply provides physical connection between attached devices

   Advantages of Tree Topology

   Because  of  Secondary  Hub,  More  devices  can  be  attached  to  a  Central  Hub
and therefore increase the distance a signal can travel
   Enables  Differentiated  Services:  Allows  to  prioritize  communication,  e.g.
computers attached to one secondary hub can be given priority over others
   Therefore,  TIME  SENSITIVE  data  will  not  have  to  wait  for  access  to  the
   Rest of the advantages are almost the same as STAR
   Example Tree Topology: Cable TV

-Main   cable   from   main   office   is   divided   into   many
branches  and  each  branch  is  divided  into  smaller  branches
and so on
-Hubs are used when cable is divided

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