Tuesday, September 9, 2014



A standard provides a model for development that makes it possible for a product
to work regardless of the individual manufacturer|"

   A  great  deal  of  coordination  and  cooperation  is  required  by  the  devices  to communicate
   A device prepared by a specific manufacturer may not be compatible with the devices prepared by                   other manufacturers   Unavailability of standards creates problems and puts a halt to product growth

   An example of non-standardized products is AUTOMOBILES

Why Standards are Essential?

Standards are therefore essential in:
o    Creating   and   Maintaining   an   Open   and   competitive   Market   for   Equipment
o    Guaranteeing     National     and     International     Interoperability     of     Data     and
Telecommunications Technology and Equipment

Let us understand this using an EXAMPLE 
K sources and L receivers leads to K*L protocols and 2*K*L implementations
     If common protocol used, K + L implementations needed

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