Thursday, September 11, 2014

Signals Cont

   Digital Signals
In addition to being represented by Analog Signals, data can also be represented
by a Digital signal

   Bit Interval and Bit Rate
Most  digital  signals  are  aperiodic  and  thus  Period  and  Frequency  are  not  the
appropriate terms to describe them

   Bit Interval (seconds)
   Time required to send one single bit

   Bit Rate (bps)
   Number of bits sent per second

Frequency Spectrum of a Digital Signal

o    Frequency spectrum of a digital signal contains an infinite number of frequencies with
different amplitudes
o    Ideally  we  want  to  send  all  the  components  but  if  we  send  only  those  components
whose   amplitudes   are   significant   ,  we   can   still   recreate  the   digital   signal   with
reasonable accuracy at the receiver

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